Easy Maintenance Tips for Renters to Avoid Hassles

Easy Maintenance Tips for Renters to Avoid Hassles

Renting a home comes with unique challenges, but a little maintenance can prevent bigger problems down the road. Here are some easy tips to help renters avoid common issues:

  1. Use Rinse Aid in the Dishwasher: Combat hard water stains by adding rinse aid to keep dishes sparkling clean.

  2. Garbage Disposal Reset: If the garbage disposal stops working, try pressing the reset button on the bottom before calling for help.

  3. Check for Leaks: Inspect under sinks regularly to catch water leaks early and prevent costly repairs.

  4. Leave the Door Open on Front-Load Washing Machines: Prevent mildew by leaving the washing machine door open after a load, allowing air circulation.

  5. Clean Shower Heads: Soak clogged shower heads in vinegar overnight to remove mineral buildup and improve water pressure.

These simple tips can help keep your rental home in great shape and save you from unnecessary hassles!

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